Friday, January 9, 2009

Natural Painkiller Before Waxing


Below are the parts I say more representative of the book by G. Wallraff, taken from the preface by E. Collotti.

G. Wallraff, puts the knife in one of the most festering sores that the West German firm has produced during its existence, a real outbreak of poisoning, and dissemination of this poisoning, public
In a country in which the reading public has in its vast majority the formation of a delegate to the "Bild-Zeitung" and the monopoly Springer, performers of traditional values \u200b\u200band needs the most trite of order and security before they go into the public sphere fed into the lives of private citizens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
understand how a newspaper Springer and especially through mechanisms such sophistication is created and models a 'apparently depoliticized public opinion, in fact uniformly politicized and unilaterally on the basis of a need authorities to be permanently powered by the existence of a target or scapegoat from time to time may be students, foreign workers or terrorists. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
his method of work is not the only one that can be taken to write the report the limitations of this method, because it is not certain lowering of the worker in overalls or clothing the role of people living in a hospice for the homeless that he buys the condition or the lens of the worker or the homeless, so its way of living condition of these will always be partial and in a way outside. But he also knows that only through this kind of disguise is often possible to identify with certain situations, take that amount of information needed to reconstruct the environment which arise from the exploitation and alienation of the worker or the rapist or derelict, which is the same thing as the drafting work of the "Bild-Zeitung", the manipulation of public opinion as a projection on a screen magnified a manipulative process that develops within the first editors of the empire Springer. - - - -
specialized studies have drawn attention to the weight of what Enzensberger has called "the conscience of the industry, namely the importance of mass media in the Federal Republic of Germany as a last resort and most advanced companies mature capitalism - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
attention was naturally turned to the process of concentration of the heads and the monopoly of information and shaping public opinion that no equivalent anywhere else in the same size and that also beat the previous one - that was one of the instruments of ideological influence to smooth the path to Nazism and the broad masses of the small middle-class .- - - - - - - - - - - -
Even then, the phenomenon was expressed, regardless of content, in quantitative dimensions abnormal - - - - - - - - - - -
any newspaper publisher, and no organization has the same extent of central instruments of influence on the masses from a single point: - - - - - - - - - -
It 'clear that the way to do all one newspaper is already with his ideology, with wants to spread the message. But there is also a practical monopoly of that really translates into a right to life against death edition of the generality of the press - - - - - - - - - - - -
means of pressure which could have even against other publishers : that the refusal to accept advertising in certain local paper .... or waiver to broadcast certain titles in certain areas, but soprattuttoil control printing works of other newspapers through the distribution of contracts to print sheets Springer with the effect of rendering many of these plants economically dependent on Springer. - - - - - - - - - - -
A second consequence of the monopoly results in real forms of censorship. - "Pardon" wanted to publish a special issue of anti-Springer, several printing houses refused to perform the task for fear of possible pressures. "- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The declining number of newspapers independent increases the dependence of Journalist - - - - -
the use of mass media has a vital role in the process of preparation and homogenization of public opinion, in other words, in building consensus around a more outward forms of democracy and always more intrinsically illiberal and authoritarian. - The use of printing by the federal government in the fight against terrorism has fate mark a qualitative leap in the forced merger between the will of political power and political will of rulers, namely the identification of the citizen made subject to the power - the delegation from the established power and they called for it to consensus-building tools including mass media. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In sixty revolt against Springer was not born for himself only by the monopoly of the press in which it was identified, the subject of the complaint was specifically manipolazionedelle masses, the systematic falsification of news but not without a clear political purpose. - - - - -
Just when he wants to remove the image that the German company is a class society, the "Bild" offers a number of other models that the apparent neutrality provide the exact image of the family type or strictly functional type of the subject to that ideology - - -
analyze the "Bild" meant to attack "a powerful institution destined the conservation of the system: "Capitalism needs mature of the main tools for its assumption of self-preservation of order and security. It claims to have to dismiss the chaos that threatens to produce itself. - - - - - - - - - - -
E 'expressed in this way, the functionalization of the log to the system, socio-economic order that you want to keep, the clear predominance be given to private law values \u200b\u200bas opposed to public - - - - - - - - - - -
not exist in the code interpretation of "Bild" movements and collective processes, phenomena that are not related to the everyday individual, the staff. And 'only by this crushing social reality in a myriad of individual loneliness that can come a sense of powerlessness of the individual and then requesting a reappropriation of the social that takes place through the mediation of the "Bild": the handling is great speculation about the fear of living on anxiety that grips this shattered humanity, which is unable to grasp the roots of their own loneliness and alienation, and then even those of manipulation you work against him - - - - - - - - - - - - -
is on this humanity made up of men whatever - that the "Bild" can grow its ideology of order and security, all from the ideology of the masters, from part of the proponents of the state and powerful man, a leveler that ideology does not conceive the different if not to the extent that he needs to strengthen and cement contrast to the cohesion and the homogeneity of its model of social aggregate around his figure ideal for large family dominated by a strong paternalism. - - - - - - - - - - -
struck by the violence with which it is to light the fact that the first condition to operate the level of mass public opinion is the same level of editorial staff. - - - - - - - - - -
Man fails to develop as a social being, the system "Bild" flattens him. "
journalists - are - the" kidnappers of the subconscious, "a sort of drug dealers, creators and producers of smokescreens intended to shed illusions - - - - - - -
a true philosophy of journalism .... is clearly not an end in itself: "The reader - not to be informed, you must buy for 35 cents emotions, stimulants, drugs compensatory." Not the least of illusions - the privatization is absolute existence, the reduction of all phenomena and the episode of the case abstracts from the context of social reality. - - - - - - - -
after destroying the image of social problems, the collective dimension of existence - man is absolutely desperate, and helpless in his solitude, because there is no rationality in life - all are victims of bad luck that nobody is responsible. " - - - - - -
A cruel fate does not seem to demystify the same fatalism that underpin the philosophy of life of the "Bild", its owners and also of his slaves themselves allla drug addicts should be referred to drug dealers. A drawing of the "Bild" can be defined as a source of falsehood. - -
The forgeries were born at the "Bild" without words, as it systematically. For just addictive.
"The problem of satire does not exist - the exaggeration and deliberate distortion of reality - can not più essere percepite dal lettore ,perchè tutta la realtà appare già deformata, capovolta e strvolta.” - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
avversari politici nei cui confronti al consueto disprezzo per ogni essere umano la stampa Springer aggiunge il linciaggio morale e non soltanto tale , trattando ogni avversario come potenziale terrorista o quanto meno come “simpatizzante” in atto. - - il nemico è da isolare, da respingere, da provocare per poterlo schiacciare o quanto meno distruggere moralmente. - - - - - - - - - -
“Al posto della stampa come istituzione sociale dell'informazione” - “subentra la latrina pubblica dell'animo popolare”. - - i sindacati non hanno senso: if poor people have problems, there is the "Bild" that fight for them! To all the rest shall, as blameless entrepreneurs. "
But it is the prerogative of the specific printing Springer lack political issues - so much scandal, a little 'sex as a tranquilizer, a hint of shimmer on the misery of the poor and dispossessed and the rest leave it to those who can and who knows more. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
why people should grieve with so little funny stories and so little in line with the vision of life widely accommodating the "Bild", not because its editors believe it but because this is the only condition for making a newspaper che tenda veramente a rassicurare tutti, e in particolare il 'piccolo uomo' di falladiana memoria, che il mondo e la società esistenti sono pur sempre il mondo e la società migliori possibili.
Non una stampa per il cambiamento ma una stampa per la conservazione. Il prezzo da pagare per compiere questa operazioneè la disinformazione, perchè soltanto a costo di mistificare e di manipolare la realtà politica e sociale è possibile ottenere, se non il plauso e il consenso, quanto meno la rassegnazione di milioni di 'piccoli uomini'.

Milano, gennaio 1978 Enzo Collotti

an exemplary case

The political situation in the Federal Republic of Germany even after Mogadishu, but after Stammheim, never ceases to amaze you with its contradictions and its paradoxes.
One of the most puzzling paradoxes of recent months is certainly the fact that this book by G. Wallraff, sinking the knife in one of the most festering sores that the West German firm has produced during its existence, a real outbreak of poisoning , and distribution of this poisoning, public opinion, both quickly became a bestseller.
In a country where the reading public has in the great majority of the formation of a delegate to the "Bild-Zeitung" Springer and monopoly, performers of traditional values \u200b\u200band needs most trite of order and security before they are fed into the public sphere in the lives of private citizens, are still sold hundreds of thousands of copies of this report and, if not you want to attribute to this fact the expression of a simple fortune advertising for a fashion or current events in the most trivial of the term, think that the interest in this book is part of the discourse according to which nothing in the Republic Federal Germany after Mogadishu and after Stammheim may simply be a continuation of what it was before.
Since it is known what role the press has played Springer And the "Bild" in particular, in anti-terrorist campaign and even more in the hunt for "supporters" and openly authoritarian invocation, the shock that hit the West German opinion should have also fueled interest in understanding how does a Springer newspaper, and especially through mechanisms such sophistication is created and modeled a 'public opinion seemingly depoliticized, really politicized uniformly and unilaterally on the basis of a need for authorities to be permanently powered by the existence of a target or scapegoat from time to time may be students, foreign workers or terrorists. We believe that shatter

certainties that must have struck the average reader of newspapers in the Federal Republic is thus substantially the secret of the fortune of this book and certainly not in the method and style of the journalistic work of G. Wallraff, on which it would be easy-as is occurred on time-do of causing scandal. Born near Cologne in 1942, Wallraff represents a unique landscape of the German public in the West. Writer of great talent has favored since the beginning of his journalistic activity kind of reportage, recovering in a sense, the tradition that has its precedent in German literature of the Weimar years, the years of the First Republic, which were unsurpassed in this area master that great writer who was Egon Erwin Kisch.
But it is unfair to make combinations that we have called this tradition, but only to indicate the line of work, the challenging field of reportage in which it moves Wallraff. But where the realism of Kisch, a communist activist, was born around the observation of external social reality, led by an extraordinary sense of smell as a reporter and a very fine intuition inseparable from its political sensitivity, Wallraff introduced in journalism and reportage in a way that the peculiar: The idea that in order to better represent certain social situations is necessary to dive into them, descend into disguising it from time to time in the role covered by its investigation. Wallraff knows that his method of work is not the only one that can be taken to write the report and also knows the limits of this method, because it is not descending into the suit or the worker wearing the clothes of those who live in a home for the homeless that he acquires the status of the worker or the lens or the homeless, so its way of living condition of these will always be partial and in a way outside. But he also knows that only through this kind of disguise is often possible to identify with certain situations, take that amount of information needed to reconstruct the environment which arise from the exploitation and alienation of the worker or the rapist or derelict, which is the same thing as the drafting work of the "Bild-Zeitung", the manipulation of public opinion as a projection on a screen magnified a manipulative process that develops within the first editors of the empire Springer.
Sure, it was noted that to combat the monopoly of the press imposed by Springer takes much more than individual action by a Wallraff, in the sense that his method can not be generalized method that should be the common denominator of a battle Democratic Alliance for the information. A 'significant observation, assuming you accept that in the Federal Republic of Germany without the work of many Wallraff episodes of political and social oppression would have gone completely unnoticed thanks all'omertà the press and the difficult conditions under which the activity takes place information, press and more generally the means of mass information. Since the early 1966's industrial reportage, reportage to "undesirable" in 1969, which would indicate the manufacture of prohibited weapons, including poison gas, the Bundeswehr, or the ease with which the German Catholics accept the use of napalm in Vietnam in the name anti-communism, or even recruiting spies for the police business to our new report in 1972, to romp among the slaves of the rich and powerful conduct together with Bernt Engelmann, offering a series of split partial but not least significant of West German society; action demonstration conducted in 1974 in Athens against Greece of the colonels who turtur and prosecuted, as he was able to tell well, the novel "discovery of a conspiracy "who denounced the attempt at restoration of General Spinola in Portugal with the complicity of the German right, the complaint of the methods of the Office of Protection of the Constitution which he himself tested and documented in a Bericht zur Gesinnungslage des Staatsschutzes, which in fact is was printed in 1977 by the publisher Rowohlt with the no less famous "Report on the moral state of the nation" by Heinrich Boll, the Finally, the book "Bild-Zeitung", a set of experiences in which individual aspects of the social reality of the Bundesrepublik systematically merge and mingle with the personal biography of G. Wallraff. A conscientious objector, factory worker, editor of the satirical giornalle "Pardon" and finally devoted himself to information in the field of journalism and democratic anti-capitalist, Wallraff was not an easy character for the establishment of the Bundesrepublik. Suspected of complicity with terrorism not only national but international in fact often subjected to checks by telephone, guarded for years by the Verfassungsschutz, suspected by the counter to give "support-bound criminal, "defined as" journalist and writer known as left-leaning "and therefore at least" supporter "(with less finesse the" Bild-Zeitung called him a crypto-communist): enough to make a real case, the subject of disparate and conflicting judgments.

One might ask, why another book on the "Bild-Zeitung"? It is not from today that the political journalism and specialized studies have drawn attention to the weight of what is not forgotten and in a timely and stimulating essay Enzensberger has called "the conscience of the industry, namely the importance of the media mass communication in the Republic Federal German as a last resort and most advanced society of mature capitalism, without undo part of a more general process on an entire economic system and social specificity of the German case. The attention was naturally turned to the process of concentration of the heads and the monopoly of information and shaping public opinion which has no equivalent anywhere else in the same size and that also beat the previous concentration of the press in the group Hugenberg during the Weimar Republic, which was one of the instruments of ideological influence to smooth the path to Nazism of large masses of small and middle class. Even the quantitative data, if you want outside but certainly not negligible, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of the problem and then track the influence that emanates Konzern Springer, whose first in-depth analysis not by chance that we had around the student protests of 1967-68.
Even then, the phenomenon was expressed, regardless of content, in quantitative abnormal size, Hans Dieter Muller could see that from 1946 to 1967 the publisher Axel Springer bought market shares of 47.4% of all magazines, radio and television programs, , 81, 7% of all the newspapers for sale in a newsagent, 85, 8% of all Sunday newspapers, 44.8% of all newspapers for young people. As for the daily political press, in Hamburg and Berlin respectively control an absolute majority with 71.8 and 69.5%. He added that it was true that at the regional level this unit suffered competition from a variety of local paper, nonsenza conclude, however: "But no newspaper publisher, and no organization has the same extent of central instruments of influence on the masses from a single point: a piece of ground penetrating every corner of the Federal Republic and the absolute dominance in the newspapers of the two largest towns, Hamburg and Berlin. "
The latest data does not significantly alter this reality ..... ................................
................................................. .................................... The monopoly exercised by the press
Springer evidently not realized only through the quantitative data that we reported. Beyond and below the figures, it is to read the various ways in which the monopoly exercised its influence in more general terms and conditions the very existence of the information and printing industry, even before entering the Springer on the contents of the press, which has a specific ideology on to a precise functional world view and social-political order. It 'clear that the way to do all one newspaper is already with his ideology, which aims to spread the message. But there is also a practical monopoly of that really translates into a right Building life-death against the generality of the press, as he wrote in his own Wallraff first clash ... with ... Springer ................................................. ................................ In this paper
Wallraff not only emphasized the use and abuse of its power that ere able to express a monopoly, but also, paradoxically, the strength that it was able to release the fact of non-use of alternative means of pressure of which might even have to other publishers: that the refusal to accept advertising in certain local paper .... or waiver to broadcast certain titles in certain areas, but soprattuttoil control printing works of other papers through the distribution of contracts to print sheets Springer with the effect of rendering many of these plants economically dependent on Springer. Wallraff quoted then what is certainly an extreme case, however, and, as always in these cases, an example of a practice taken to its logical conclusion; when the days of April of '68 students and workers besieged the printing of the "Bild" , the publisher ... ... Cologne, which already printed an edition of the "Bild" twice to run their own sheets, refused the request. Springer print a supplementary quota of copies of the "Bild" in Frankfurt and saw withdraw Springer committed by the entire print of "Bild". A dramatic example of retaliation and an attempt to very heavy economic strangulation of a competitor, a former partner 's business.

A second consequence of the monopoly results in real forms of censorship. Another example cited by Wallraff "... ... ... the magazine "Pardon" wanted to publish a special issue of anti-Springer, several printing houses refused to perform the task for fear of possible pressures. "
The complaint does not preclude self-censorship on the contrary. Even here, the origin is an economic mechanism that has consequences of different nature. It 's a third consequence of the concentration of warheads that we want to remember , Reminding us once again Wallraff: "Only between" 66 and "67 are passed to Springer as a result of closing down or swallowed up by their sheet of Springer .... more than a hundred journalists. The decrease in the number of independent newspapers increases the dependence of the journalist, because the lower the number of independent newsrooms become more scarce opportunities to escape the pressure of the owners or even a recommendation from the chief editor of moving to another newspaper . The speech goes on whether you want to emphasize the influence of the Springer group also in the media of public property (eg on television) is that it would extend to the general problem of conditioning exercises that industry in a society like the West German press as a whole, beyond funding, more or less direct but still secret, primarily through the granting or withdrawal maneuvers advertising. But> Wallraff himself told what it costs, letterelmente cost, the attempt to shed light on the working conditions inside a factory, "After two years working in several large corporations, when I posted my experience, the industry tried to prevent the future this invasion of its 'sphere of private domain'. ... ... was spread a sort of arrest warrant related to my person who was exposed in the recruitment offices of medium and large companies. The companies on which I had written correspondences legal action for damages for having been 'damaged in their business'. ................." A series of experiments, nothing but a few examples of significant difficulty and quicksand in which to move, in a system of advanced capitalism and today also superprotetta democracy, those who want to break the silence of the monopolists and manipulators of public opinion.
In fact, the structural data we have reported on the status of concentrazionedella press in the Federal Republic of Germany can not be read separately from the content this print spreads. E 'in this respect that they return to weld the structure of the press and on the message that it conveys. .... ............ .................... There is no doubt that in the authoritarian developments in the stiffening of the Federal Republic, taking into account the importance it has in the broader context of contemporary European society, the use of mass media has a vital role in the process of preparation and homogenization of public opinion, in other words, in building consensus around a more outward forms of democracy and increasingly authoritarian and inherently illiberal. From this point of view, the case of the "Bild" ...... is truly exemplary, even though in recent months the use of the press by the federal government in the fight against terrorism has fate mark a qualitative leap in the forced merger between the will of political power and political will of rulers, namely the identification of the citizen made a subject with power which is a typical expression of political rejection of the broad masses of the delegation that they throw it to the established power and the authoring tools of consensus including the mass media.
alluded to the "Bild" because a few heads outside of this one can truly speak of a "factory of ideology," according to the content-analysis conducted by Alberts, who is rightly puts the spotlight on three levels of analysis that involves the approach to this newspaper, in addition to quantitative data, or just to realize the reasons of his fortune: analysis of the language, style of journalism, Information Policy.
................................................. ................................... In sixty
revolt against Springer was born not only by the monopoly of the press per se that was identified in it, the subject of the complaint was specifically manipolazionedelle masses, the systematic falsification of the news but not without a clear political purpose. Nothing in fact would be false to believe that political agnosticism of the operation undertaken by the "Bild" might be called a colossal task and induced removal of the class struggle and a picture of society divided into classes for use by the rulers of the Federal Republic of Germany and their employers. Just when he wants to remove the image that the German company is a class society, the "Bild" offers a number of other models that the apparent neutrality provide the exact image of the family type or kind subject to strictly functional ideology of social peace in Springer is the highest tribute to the preacher, and in which the "Bild" has always campaigned that in other times would have defined racial minorities against all disturbing political or social of reality or even the social image that you want to say. Critics
sessantotteschi .... ...... were right. ....:" As long as the criticism against the press to exercise Springer does not center on the condition of the class of his readers, at least we will never bother those in power. In fact: The more the owners of the companies are able to conceal the class conflicts, the better it will treat as a subordinate class to the masses. And until we are fully aware of the limits inherent in the class in academic criticism Springer and dedicate ourselves to fight his own printing press in the class, the owners of the steam will leave us quietly criticize. Indeed, while we criticize keep those in power. "parallel
H. Schafer stated that analyze the "Bild" meant to attack "a powerful institution devoted to preservation of the system:" Capitalism needs mature of the main tools for its assumption of self-preservation of order and security. It claims to have to dismiss the chaos that threatens to produce itself. ... 'Bild' He can never be like as representing the interests of one class, or rather is presented as a champion of the "poor devil", which is melted at the group level by anything other than the same "Bild", ie as'' large family of readers 'Bild'. " Anyone who looks be integrated into this family, politicians and businessmen, housewives and workers, apprentices and students who still want to study ... "And
'expressed in this way, the functionalization of the log to the system, socio-economic order that you want to keep , the clear predominance be given to private enterprise as opposed to public values, a factor which influences the latter in an integral manner the same ideology and forms of expression of the "Bild", one of which is to abolish the maximum care of the socialization in a collective, social fact, and crushed at the individual, ie to customize social phenomena.
not exist in code interpretation of the "Bild" movements and collective processes, phenomena that are not related to the everyday individual, the staff. And 'only by this shredding of the social reality in a myriad of individual loneliness that can come a sense of powerlessness of the individual and then requesting a reappropriation of the social that takes place through the mediation of the "Bild": the handling is great speculation about the fear, to live on anxiety that grips this shattered humanity, which is unable to grasp the roots of their own loneliness and alienation, and then even those of manipulation you work against him, that his delegation fully hopes and its insurance needs and certainty to the policy of "Bild", as a spokesperson and dispenser of ephemeral miraculous solutions. And it is this humanity made of any men (an expansion of the 'little men'.....) that the "Bild" can grow its ideology of order and security, all from the ideology of the masters, from the Proponents of the state and powerful man, a leveler that ideology does not conceive the different if not to the extent that he needs to strengthen and cement contrast to the cohesion and the homogeneity of its model of social aggregate around its ideal figure large family dominated by a strong paternalism.
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The indiscretion of Wallraff's all here: a glimpse beyond the curtain that separates the anonymous manipulators from the world around them and find out that others are not "victims who create more victims." A process ...... ......, Which is also expressed in an area where no one can be master of himself ever since and always under the control of others, to the point of risking the total identification with the master of all: see the astonishment with which the same Wallraff feel the subtle transformation that has made its way of being, behaving, talking, when for the first time in a private conversation use the 'we' 'us of the "Bild" ie, as if his game was actually converted from a very specific purpose with disguise in a full and final metamorphosis of personality.
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struck by the violence with which it is to light the fact that the first condition to operate the level of mass public opinion is the same level of editorial staff.
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"Recharge thinking, and talking and discussing with friends and colleagues can not. Enter the drafting of the "Bild" means to renounce any possibility maturation. Man fails to develop as a social being, the system "Bild" flattens him. "
Journalists have a view of Springer, as Wallraff defines them, the" kidnappers of the subconscious, a kind of drug dealers, to creators and producers of smoke screens designed to spread illusions about unhappiness especially the poor, the wretched, the unfortunate, however, operating under the sign of aggression, which is daunting and intimidating those who are targeted ........ ..........
the search for the superlative, sensational, in every circumstance, even the most banal, but so is often completely reversed by taking implications even tragic. There, the cause of all this, a true philosophy of journalism .... is clearly not an end in itself: "The reader of the" Bild "should not be informed, you must buy for 35 cents emotions, stimulants, drugs compensatory." Last but not least the illusion that the "Bild" is intended to create the complete privatization of 'existence, the reduction of all phenomena and the episode of the case abstracts from the context of social reality.
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The harsh reality that it offers its readers "... ... after destroying the image of the sociality of problems, the collective dimension of existence, is in its individuality man is absolutely desperate, and helpless in his loneliness, because there is no rationality in life, because the things of the world and therefore are governed by the anonymity of individual "destiny", because all are victims of bad luck that nobody is responsible. " There at the bottom of this profoundly tragic conception of life. Speculation on fear is not built only on a political calculation, calculating politician with his deep contempt for the masses and the value of human life begins with something deeper, the artifice was founded on a belief rooted, almost on a racist conception of life is one with a conception of capitalist-elitist.
...................................." Whatever makes the "Bild" is transformed into a business . If the "Bild" praises you see your business prosper, if you do not like ... you can close shop now. "" A black day for the drafting of the "Bild", "Wallraff note. "No sensational crime. No assassination. No rape in a workmanlike manner. No original suicide. Nothing, absolutely nothing. "Is not a cruel fate seems to demystify the same fatalism that underpin the philosophy of life of the" Bild ", its owners and also of his slaves allla drug addicted themselves to which they must be drug dealers. A drawing of the "Bild" can be defined as a source of falsehood. .................................................. .....
The forgery was born at the "Bild" without words, as it systematically. For just addictive.
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"The problem of satire does not exist for the" Bild ". The deliberate exaggeration and distortion of reality, which usually makes people laugh, can not be perceived by the reader, because all reality is already distorted, upside down and strvolta. "" The truth in the "Bild" often is not, nor between the lines, or in rows, instead of being under the lines, at least in the printed ones. You print everything which increases the run even if it is the truth. Does not print anything that does not help sales. A fraud in small arms has become overnight a dangerous criminal. .................................................. ....................................
poor devils are usually ruined by the very fact of being finished in the paper. But they are also political opponents against whom the usual contempt for every human being printing Springer adds moral lynching, not only that, treating each opponent as a potential terrorist or at least as a "supporter" in place. The news on a position contrary to the interests that defends press always has a tone of complaint, denunciation: the enemy is to isolate, to reject, to cause to be able to crush or destroy the very least morally. .................................................. ...................................
Printing Springer denounces violence of terrorists and broadens the scope by any means, but also the hate campaigns of his newsrooms, which is so sensitive to social prudery abhorrent scenes that may be susceptible to excite class hatred , even if they only descriptions of environments not specifically edifying for the glory and the honor of existing society, violence and poison ooze from every pore. "Instead of printing the information as a social institution," he concludes Wallraff dramatically "the public soul takes over the public latrine." .................................................. ..................................
"In the worldview of the" Bild ", the unions do not make sense: if the poor people have problems, there is the" Bild "that fight for them! To all the rest shall, as blameless entrepreneurs. ...................................... .............................................. But it is the prerogative of the specific
Springer Press the absence of political issues, the reduction of politics to the personal fortune of this or that character, the acceptance of political thought patterns ................... .: so much scandal, a little 'sex as a tranquilizer, a hint of shimmer on the misery of the poor and the disadvantaged and the rest leave it to those who can and who knows more. This is the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bthat the "Bild" spreads, this small change his political philosophy. When
Wallraff proposes to deal with unemployment or the wretched life of a war invalid, or worse still uncivilized anti-Semitic incidents feels right answer: "Do not do it for us." And indeed, why should sad people with so little funny stories and so little in line with the vision of life widely accommodating the "Bild", not because its editors believe it but because this is the only condition for making a newspaper that tends to really reassure everyone, and in particular the 'little man' falladiana of memory, that the world and the existing companies are still the best possible world and society.
not a print but a print for change for storage. The price to pay to do this operazioneè misinformation, because only at the cost to mystify and manipulate the political and social reality can be achieved, if not the approval and consent, as less than the resignation of millions of 'little men'. This is the function of the Springer press the Federal Republic of Germany, no other sector of the German press expresses the horror of the best political and social unrest that is immediately identified with the civil war. ....
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Milan, January 1978 Enzo Collotti

To the readers: are you the difference between the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy of the 70s the new millennium!


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