Sunday, January 25, 2009

Build Fireplace Surround Metal

Health or beauty?

Strait to die. Cancer.
The relationship between bras and breast cancer
William Thomas
If you have not already burned in the '60s, you could remove volervelo hours. "Bras cause breast cancer. It 'obvious," says medical researcher Syd Singer.
Singer Spouses have dedicated investigation on breast cancer in 1991. The day his wife, Soma, he discovered a lump in her breast, her husband's research team was studying the effects of Western medicine Fijians. In the shower, Syd noticed that Soma's shoulders and breasts were outlined by dark red grooves. A He remembered asking his wife from a Fijian puzzled about her bra, "Do not it feel tight?"
"You get used to it," Soma had replied.
Could bras be constricting breast tissue, Syd wondered, hampering lymph drainage and causing degeneration?

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