Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lock Combination Maths Questions

Not my party, but the party of my country and all of us!

What happened in Italy after the September 8, 1943 has already been judged by history.
Nobody is served by continuing to foment hatred, smuggled to justice. The choices that citizens are made indelible and belong to history that can not be pulled or to one side or the other, nor to be rewritten. How indelible political oppression, cultural and civic under which the Italian people was forced to live.
The cruelty of that time were infinite and the dead are all respected, but the reasons for those deaths posssono not and must not be forgotten. Values \u200b\u200band principles never end: who went to Salò joined the Nazis and became a servant, deporting and killing his own brother.
is being fought in our country was not a civil war but a war of liberation. And the Resistance for freedom, for independence from foreign domination is the redemption of the Italian people to the world.
This distinction was not written by historians but by history.

From "The machine of lies (pag.260) of Loris Mazzetti

also read" April 25, the feast of the righteous "Robert Barbera

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Mother Uses A Hairbrush On My Father

attach pictures in Gmail messages

Finally now you can insert into your Gmail messages by uploading images from your computer or through links to a web address.
This feature must first be enabled from the "Labs" settings of your mailbox, then the button bar will appear nellla the icon "Insert Image".

So enough with the hassle of attaching images, instead of entering them into the body of the message, even when it is necessary to comment on the screens your PC.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Clone Wars Hentay

folder templates in Microsoft Word 2007

Where should save files in Microsoft Word 2007 that you want to use as models?
In Windows XP, the location to save the files, so that clicking on New \\ Models ... appear in its own window, is as follows:

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ username \\ Application Data \\ Microsoft \\ Templates

Files can also be manually copied to the folder, as long as they are the template file, then with the extension. dot or . dotx (... or more. dotm models with macro).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tooth Abscess Number 6


" 1. Abstract
... ... The political reality, as is evident to anyone who is China has many laws but is not a rule of law, has a constitution but not a constitutional government. The ruling class continues to cling to its authoritarian power and fought stubbornly against any attempt to promote political change.
The results of all this crazy corruzzione are endemic to the officials, the weakening of the rule of law, insufficient protection of human rights, the deterioration of public ethics, corrupt capitalism, a growing inequality between rich and poor, the ruthless exploitation of the natural environment of the human and historical, the exacerbation of a long series of social conflicts, particularly in recent time, an increasingly exasperated animosity between government officials and ordinary citizens.
As these conflicts become more intense and the ruling class continues to trample with impunity and render meaningless the rights of citizens to freedom, property, the pursuit of happiness, we realize that in our society, the powerless (. ... ..) are becoming more militant and that the possibility of a violent conflict of immense proportions is becoming more concrete. The decline of the power system has reached the point where change is no longer an option, but it has become essential. "

Adapted from MicroMega 1 / 2009 article written by Federico Rampini

:"... read this I wondered if they are communists and all those here in Italy disagree with Berlusconi and his entourage of minions are branded as communists ..... Well the question springs to mind, which side of the finger are the Communists in Italy ?? "