Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Aunty Wears Nylon Overall

DECREASE IN ROME fine particles (also LARGO Preneste)

in Rome is going down (maybe) the curtain on the Prodi government. We have seen the Hon. Mastella open on TV, and not in institutional settings (never seen before!), At that door to door (which I love broadcasting only in name ...) the crisis of governance ... Tomorrow we'll see what happens in Parliament. Among the bad news that run around this curtain falls (but will fall?), We console with a "drop" a little more beautiful: through the efforts of our daily Councillor Dario Esposito and advice to our group, benzene and carbon monoxide carbon have decreased significantly in recent years in Rome, still fine at high levels but with signs of improvement. Here are the annual statistics of the units of measurement of fine particles in the air of Rome provides: between 2006 and 2007, the unit Arenula increased from an average of 43.3 to 41.5 micrograms per cubic meter and the 'slippages' daily threshold of the European Union (50 micrograms) decreased from 98 to 69. A wide Preneste moving from 45.2 to 41.1 and from 118 to 87 days over the threshold. France from A Course 48.8 to 45.8 and from 141 to 116 days. A Via Magna Grecia from 44.7 to 42.6 and from 95 to 82 days. A Fermi from 47.8 to 43.6 and from 110 to 98 days. A Cinecittà from 39.6 to 38.3 and from 87 to 65 days. In Villa Ada from 32.4 At 30.9 and 46 to 33 days. There is still much to do, but the trend is positive. And the fight against smog continues with steps going on these days: number plate, traffic jams, more polluting vehicles to the extension of the prohibitions on movement within the Ring Railway. And with the construction of new metro lines, other rail transport (eg, FR2 ...) and mobility corridors, there will be other strategic alternatives to private cars.

certainly can and must do more, but in the meantime we can all do something more ...

Use more head! Pardon ... feet.


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